Information Pack

Drouin Dragons Soccer Club
The DDSC is a diverse and multicultural soccer club located in Drouin, the gateway to Gippsland, with close proximity to Melbourne, the snow fields and beach & coastal areas.

The Club was established in 1975, making 2025 the 50th Anniversary for DDSC. Drouin Dragons SC are affiliated with the Gippsland Soccer League, Football Victoria (FV) and Football Australia (FA).
DDSC has a membership base of approximately 380 players, ranging from ages 5 to 50. Each year we field a number of junior teams, ranging from Under 6’s to Under 17’s, as well as Senior Men’s, Reserves and Senior Women’s.

All teams play in the South Gippsland Soccer League which includes Trafalgar, Lang Lang, Inverloch, Wonthaggi, Phillip Island, Mirboo North, Korumburra and Leongatha.

Recent History
Gippsland Soccer League

Under 17s, Under 12s, Senior Men, Reserves – 2024

Under 14s, Reserves, Under 12s – 2022
Seniors, Under 16’s, Under 14B – 2019
Under 12s, Under 14’s – 2018
Senior Men’s, Under 16’s – 2016
Senior Men, Reserve Men’s, Under 13’s – 2015
Senior Women’s – 2014

Runner’s Up

Reserves – 2019
Under 16 Girls, Under 14’s – 2018
Senior Women’s, Under 16’s – 2015
Under 14’s, Under 12’s – 2016

Drouin Club Champions 2015 – Voted Best Club in the Gippsland Soccer League

League Champions

Reserves, Under 17s, Under 14s – 2022

Seniors – 2021
Under 14’s – 2021
Under 16’s – 2019
Seniors – 2019
Reserves – 2019
Under 16’s – 2018
Under 14’s – 2018
Under 12’s – 2018
Senior Men’s – 2015
Reserves – 2015
Under 16’s – 2015
Under 13’s – 2015
Senior Women’s – 2014

Season 2025
The Fixture is usually confirmed and published a couple of weeks prior to the season commencement. When this becomes available from the GSL, the fixture will be uploaded to website and emailed to players and parents

Korumburra Cup – U14s, U17s, Women and Seniors Round Robin Competition scheduled just prior to the season start

The Club is run by a dedicated group of volunteers and relies on players, parents and extended family to support these volunteers.

The Executive Committee for 2025 are:
Jason Beer – President
Rob Sherburn – Vice President
Kathryn Cooper – Secretary
Sarah Bustos – Treasurer
Chris Bogart – Mini Roos Program Director

Kate Boyer – Mini Roos Admin

General Committee Members

Jason Beer- Sponsorship Manager

Vacant – Female Coordinator

Game Day
Gippsland League Game Day is played on Sunday while our Mini Roos play in an Inhouse program on Saturday mornings.

Games times will be advised via our Website and Facebook prior to the Season commencing.

Club Communication
How we communicate to our players and parents is very important to us. The following avenues of communication are:

Website: Please check website for all information. We endeavour to update the website weekly with all Club News and results from the weekend games.

Facebook: Please “like” our Club Facebook page. Information is updated onto this site on a regular basis.
“Drouin Dragons SC”

Email: Emails can be sent to the President and Secretary on the following addresses.

Any communication regarding the Website and Facebook can be directed to Jason Beer via posting a message on our Facebook page or by completing the “Contact Us” page on our website.

Warragul and Drouin Gazette: We endeavour to get the weekly results published in the Warragul and Drouin Gazette during the playing season.

Club Calendar: A monthly calendar is placed on the wall in the clubrooms for players and parents to keep track of upcoming events/functions, game days and scheduled committee meetings.

Postal Address: Clubs postal address for all correspondence,
P.O Box 192
Drouin 3818

DDSC Contact Details
Inquiries are best directed to the following people depending on the type of inquiry.
Jason Beer – 0408 500 656
Kathryn Cooper – 0447 012 705

Registration Fees for 2025
Mini Roos (Under 6’s, 8’s & 10’s) – $240
Junior (Under 12’s, 14’s, U17s – $320
GSL Senior Men, Reserves & Women – $400

Metro U14s – $380

Canteen/Cleaning & Game Day Duties
Parental & Player assistance is encouraged and is vital for the success of the club.
We require assistance for canteen duties, lines person, ground marshals, putting up and taking down nets for all game days.

Players and Coaches Code of Conduct
This code of conduct applies to all participants involved with the Drouin Dragons Soccer Club. Any breach thereof shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Drouin Dragons Soccer Club with possible expulsion from the club.
1. I will not engage in the use of crude, foul or abusive language that may be deemed offensive or engage in any conduct detrimental to the image of the game or the Drouin Dragons Soccer Club when on or off the field.
2. I will refrain from arguing with the referees and / or assistant referees regarding the decisions they make.
3. I will treat all participants, officials and spectators with respect and play by the laws of the game.
4. I will cooperate with my coach, teammates, referees and officials.
5. I will not use any banned substances or drugs of dependence throughout my involvement with the Drouin Dragon Soccer Club.
6. I will display good sportsmanship at all times.

Parents Code of Conduct
This code of conduct applies to the parents and guardians. Any breach thereof shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Drouin Dragons Soccer Club with possible expulsion of your children from the club.
1. Remember that children play sport for their enjoyment, not yours.
2. Encourage children to participate, do not force them.
3. Focus on the child’s effort efforts and performance, rather than winning or kicking goals.
4. Encourage the children to always participate according to the rules.
5. Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game.
6. Remember that children learn best by example
7. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
8. Show appreciation for the coaches, officials and administrators.
9. Respect the facilities that are being used.

Players and Parents are required to purchase the following items to be worn on game day which can be purchased from the clubroom.
Club approved socks ($15)
Club approved Shorts ($20)

Players and Parents are required to provide Shin Pads and Soccer Boots purchased from any sporting store.
The Club provides every player with a Game Day Strip (shirt). The Mini Roos and Juniors Strips are handed out and returned on Game Day. While the Seniors / Reserves and Woman’s Team’s Strips are retained by the players during the season.

At the end of the season (last game), the Strip is to be returned to the Club. Failure to do so will result in a $35 dollar charge which will be processed by Majestri (Registration System). This payment covers the cost of purchasing a replacement strip.

Club Functions
The DDSC holds a number of social and family events throughout the year and we encourage all of its members, families and friends to attend.

Upcoming Events will be communicated via Facebook and the DDSC Website

As with any sporting club, Sponsors play an important role in helping us to achieve our goals in giving back to our members.

Here a just a few ways that Sponsorship has benefited the Drouin Dragons Soccer Club.
1. New drainage and resurfacing to both Senior and Junior Pitches
2. Numerous game day awards for all age groups
3. Trophies for end of season awards
4. Complete Club fit out of new playing strips
5. Various sporting equipment

Your continued support of our Sponsors is extremely important in our success as a Club to keep providing quality upgrades in the future